Welcome to the website of Karthause Schmuelling. We are a prominent music publishing house in all ranges of music. Our special emphasis lies in literature for accordion, for concert, education, folklore and works of Soviet composers. We hope you will enjoy the large range of high quality accordion music we have to offer - Ulrich Schmuelling, Director.
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Karthause Schmuelling (Text) Books, List below:
English Language: 
NEW - The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips
The Art of Bayan Playing & Playing the Accordion Artistically by Friedrich Lips
Accordion Jazz Chord by Norbert Seidel
Practising Music, Guidelines for Students and Teachers by Tom De Vree
NEU: Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon, Friedrich Lips
Die Kunst des Bajanspiels, Friedrich Lips
Akkordeon Jazz Akkorde, Norbert Seidel
Karthause Schmuelling Catalog, Alphabetical List