Part 1 - Theory (basics, numerous practical examples, interval
position charts, chord tables).
2 - Practice (15 new music pieces from easy to intermediate difficulty).
30.5 x 23.0 cm · 120 pages · paperback ·
high quality print and type.
Dual language book in German and English.
Only €29,50 or the US$ equivalent plus postage.
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Back Cover
New Tango Waltz Jazz Book
The supplementary book to the author s bestseller
instruction book Accordion Jazz Chords. Further information at Catalog: 1066
Jazz Chords is the first extensive instruction book for beginning
and advanced players that describes in an easily understandable
and yet extensive manner a method for playing free harmonics on
the standard bass accordion.
Learn jazz and entertainment music with colorful musical bass
accompaniment, using the entire world of harmonies, far beyond
the common major, minor, and seventh chords, despite the restrictions
of the bass chord system. This is book generally applicable to
nearly all types of accordion. Its improvising made easy - no
fear of false tones!
Examples from the Contents:
ten rules for improvising; basics; chord terminology and symbols;
tips for playing with jazz chords; practical examples; addendum
(jazz history, jazz improvisation, glossary).
With valuable chord tables, interval position charts, playing
assistance, fingering suggestions, and a large section with 15
new music compositions, this book is an educational diamond.
chords on the standard bass accordion! Anyone who formerly thought,
that only familiar om-pah-pah accompaniment could be played on
the traditional standard bass accordion will learn something new
For the first time, the interested reader is provided instruction
in easily understandable yet extensive and profound form, how
leading masters of jazz and elevated entertainment music forge
their impressive performances.
Norbert Seidel has tackled a problem for which many people - even
professionals - believed there was no satisfactory musical solution.
Here he opens for the standard bass accordion and its players,
totally new musical worlds and makes it possible, for practically
everyone to play freely in the world of tones and harmonies.
In the first part of the book, he presents the basics of music
theory, gives didactically founded playing assistance, includes
valuable chord tables and interval position charts, and shows
how the interested musician can advance independently and discover
new harmonic horizons.
In the second part, through 15 of his own music compositions,
he provides the possibility to apply directly what has been learned.
Beginners as well as advanced players will receive much value
from this instruction book.
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