catalog vromano01eT:
Title: Piazzolla (Angel Suite) - Bobic (Liturgical Suite)- Album
Catalog: vromano01eT

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Individual eTracks

  Name (Click for Sound Sample) Composer Time Buy/Price

Prelude No.2 in Cminor

J.S.Bach (1685-1750) 1:47 €0,80
2. Fugue No.2 in Cminor J.S.Bach (1685-1750) 2:00 €0,80
3. Glory To God In The Highest Davor Bobic (1946-) 2:02 €0,80
4. In The Garden Of Gethsamane Davor Bobic (1946-) 3:25 €0,80
5. Crucifixion Davor Bobic (1946-) 9:30 €1,15
6. Romance Franck Angelis (1962-) 4:28 €0,80
7. Winter - Movement I from Concert No.4 in F minor (op8, no.4 RV297) Antonio Vivaldi (1675 - 1741) 3:34 €0,80
8. Milonga del Angel Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) ) 4:38 €0,80
9. Muerte del Angel Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) 2:23 €0,80
10. Resurreccion del Angel Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) 4:03 €0,80
11. Moto Perpetuo Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840 5:05 €1,15

catalog vromano01:
Title: Piazzolla (Angel Suite) - Bobic (Liturgical Suite)

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  Name (Click for Sound Sample) Composer Time mp3 sound sample file size

Prelude No.2 in Cminor

J.S.Bach (1685-1750) 1:47 1.14mb
2. Fugue No.2 in Cminor J.S.Bach (1685-1750) 2:00 1.14mb
3. Glory To God In The Highest Davor Bobic (1946-) 2:02 1.14mb
4. In The Garden Of Gethsamane Davor Bobic (1946-) 3:25 1.14mb
5. Crucifixion Davor Bobic (1946-) 9:30 1.14mb
6. Romance Franck Angelis (1962-) 4:28 1.14mb
7. Winter - Movement I from Concert No.4 in F minor (op8, no.4 RV297) Antonio Vivaldi (1675 - 1741) 3:34 1.14mb
8. Milonga del Angel Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) ) 4:38 1.14mb
9. Muerte del Angel Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) 2:23 1.14mb
10. Resurreccion del Angel Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) 4:03 1.14mb
11. Moto Perpetuo Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840 5:05 1.14mb


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