H S Productions is organised by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif is one of the foremost promoters of the accordion in Austria and throughout Europe. He has been a Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Vice-President since 2007 and invited to be a jury member at many international accordion competitions.
Dr. Scheibenreif is also the Manager of Friedrich Lips Productions and has been prominent in the promotion of Friedrich Lips CD's, organising many concert tours, workshops and master classes for Friedrich Lips and also for other artists.
Herbert Scheibenreif has been a playing member of the well known and highly respected Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble which has made concerts in many parts of the world.
Fuller information about Herbert Scheibenreif is available on the website: Dr Herbert Scheibenreif

Above picture taken at the 2009 CIA Congress (and Coupe Mondiale) in Auckland, New Zealand.
Contact Details:
Resselgasse 2
2620 Neunkirchen
Email contact: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at |
HS Productions Catalog:
hs071 - Kasatchok
hs072 - Gopak
hs073 - Snow Storm 1
hs074 - Polka 1
hs075 - Spring song 1
hs076 - Kolomyka 1
hs077 - Tropotyanka
hs078 - Kassatchok 2
hs079 - Gopak 2
hs081 - Snow Storm 2
hs082 - Polka 2
hs083 - Spring Song 2
hs084 - Lasso 1
hs085 - Kolomyka 2
hs086 - Kasatchok 3
hs087 - Kasatchok 4
hs088 - Gopak 3
hs089 - Gopak 4
hs090 - Polka 3
hs091 - Spring Song 3
hs092 - Little Pony
hs093 - Kasatchok 5
hs094 - Kasatchok 6
hs095 - Gopak 5
hs096 - Gopak 6
hs097 - Polka 4
hs098 - Polka 5
hs099 - Kolomyka 3
hs100 - Ukrainian Dance
hs101 - Kasatschok 7
hs102 - Kasatchok 8 hs103 Gopak 6
hs104 - Gopak 7
hs105 - Polka 6
hs106 - Polka 7
hs107 - Ukrainian
hs108 - Little Noise
hs109 - Dance
hs110 - Kolo
hs111 - Uvivanez
hs112 - Kasatchok 9
hs113 - Kasatchok 10
hs114 - Gopak 8
hs115 - Polka 8
hs116 - Polka 9
hs117 - Splashing
hs118 - Turtle Dove
hs119 - Kasatchok 11
hs120 - Kasatchok 12
hs121 - Spring Song 4
hs122 - Spring Song 5
hs123 - Gopak 9
hs124 - Children's Song The Cornflower
hs125 - Little Christmas Tree
hs126 - About A Frog And A Mosquito
hs127 - Spotted Chicken
hs128 - Little Song
hs129 - Song
hs130 - Little Polka
hs131 - Cheerful Song
hs132 - City Hours
hs133 - First Steps
hs134 - Rain
hs135 - March
hs136 - Winter Has Come
hs137 - The First Step is the Hardest
hs138 - Lullaby
hs139 - Little Polka
hs140 - Cheerful Game
hs141 - "March
hs142 - Country Song
hs143 - Doll Waltz
hs144 - Tired Toys Are Sleeping
hs145 - Gavotte
hs146 - Waltz
hs147 - Song of the Mermaid
hs148 - Present Friend
hs149 - We Shall Go Through This Trouble
hs150 - Children's Song
hs151 - Lullaby
hs152 - Little Waltz
hs153 - Polka
hs154 - Waltz
hs155 - Gavotte
hs156 - Sad Waltz
hs157 - Autumn Motive
hs158 - Prelude
hs159 - Do Not Rustle, Little Snow-Ball Tree
hs160 - Mischievous Polka
hs161 - Cheerful Jean
hs162 - Sing, Sing, Sing
hs163 - Musette
hs164 - Autumn Rain
hs165 - Marinella
hs166 - Dsha-da
hs167 - Smile
hs168 - On The Sunny Side Of The Street
hs169 - Jingle Bells
hs170 - Domino
hs171 - Jive At 5 O'Clock
hs172 - Cheerful Mood
hs173 - On Ice
hs174 - Winter
hs175 - About Peter
hs176 - Christmas Tree
hs177 - Cuckoo
hs178 - Grouchy Grandmother
hs179 - Pipe And Drum
hs180 - Song
hs181 - Ecossaise
hs182 - Small Ballet
hs183 - Hedgehog
hs184 - In Autumn
hs185 - Kid
hs186 - Magpie
hs187 - Merry Fellow
hs188 - Dance
hs189 - Three Songs - 1. Simple Song
hs190 - Three Songs - 2. Sad Song
hs191 - Three Songs - 3. Carefree Song
hs192 - Rain
hs193 - Lullaby
hs194 - Little Beggar
hs195 - Doll Waltz
hs196 - Lullaby
hs197 - March
hs198 - Fantastic Carnival - 1. Tom Thumb
hs199 - Fantastic Carnival - 2. Royal Ball
hs200 - Fantastic Carnival - 3. Heroic Saga
hs201 - Fantastic Carnival - 4. Three Bears
hs202 - "Children's Suite ""Sketches"" - 1. Sad Story"
hs204 - "Children's Suite ""Sketches"" - 3. Cuckoo"
hs205 - "Children's Suite ""Sketches"" - 4. Autumn Picture"
hs206 - "Two Pieces From The Children's Suite ""Hut"" - 1. The Hut"
hs207 - "Two Pieces From The Children's Suite ""Hut"" - 2. The Cock"
hs208 - As Under A Hill
hs209 - Little Lamb
hs210 - Cuckoo
hs211 - Lullaby
hs212 - Little Squirrel
hs213 - Saynka
hs214 - A Curly Hazel Is StandingThere
hs215 - I Went On A Hill
hs216 - Cheerful Geese
hs217 - On The Hoop
hs218 - As In The Forest, Forest, Coppice
hs219 - The Moon Is Shining
hs220 - Shall I Go, Shall I Leave
hs221 - Oh, We Have Cut Down A Tree
hs222 - A Guelder - Rose On The Mountain
hs223 - Hut
hs224 - There's A Pathway In The Firewood
hs225 - White Face, Round Face
hs226 - Shall I Go, Young Girl
hs227 - They Rustle As In The Street
hs228 - Raindrops
hs229 - Stitches - Paths Getting Together
hs230 - Dance Blizzard
hs231 - In The Garden, In The Kitchen Garden
hs232 - Our Birch Leaves
hs233 - Do Not Fly, Nightingale
hs234 - Little Swan
hs235 - Dark - Browed, Black - Eyed
hs236 - As Discussed With Me
hs237 - And My Darling Fell ill
hs238 - Do Not Scold Me A Native
hs239 - In The Court Yard One Blizzard After The Other
hs240 - Felt Boots
hs241 - Christmas
hs242 - Ah, You, Frightened Bull
hs243 - Farmstead
hs244 - It Is The Branch That's Bending
hs245 - In The Room, The New One
hs246 - Situated Round Dance From Near Moscow
hs247 - Meadow Duck
hs248 - I Am Walking
hs249 - Seesaw
hs250 - Saynka, Play Some Dance Music
hs251 - Yes, In The City
hs252 - Kitten
hs253 - Cockerel
hs254 - Behind The Small River
hs255 - Geese
hs256 - Doll
hs257 - Derisive Cuckoo
hs258 - Kolinde
hs259 - Little Squirrel
hs260 - Ah, You, Open Countryside
hs261 - You, Cuckoo In The Forest
hs262 - I Lived With My Mother
hs263 - Cockerel
hs264 - By The Gateway, By Our Gate
hs265 - Cuckoo
hs266 - In Spring
hs267 - In A Smithy
hs268 - Lvushka
hs269 - Podolyanochka
hs270 - Bunny, You Bunny
hs271 - As Under The Apple Tree
hs272 - Pathway
hs273 - Why A Nightingale
hs274 - Be Twisted, Twisted Cabbage
hs275 - In The Billiard Hole
hs276 - Oh, Do Not Go, Grisha
hs277 - Really You, Winter
hs278 - Native Land
hs279 - On The Mountain, Mountain
hs280 - I Bury Gold
hs281 - Moon In The Sky
hs282 - Both Rustles, And Hoots
hs283 - Really You, Garden
hs284 - Do Not Cuckoo, Kukushechka
hs285 - Oh, for – by Gaius, by Gaius
hs286 - Willow In The Field
hs287 - Cornflower
hs288 - Synka
hs289 - A Potato
hs290 - She Went Picking Mushrooms With Vanyusha
hs291 - Do Not Fly Nightingale
hs292 - Rogue On The Road
hs293 - Poppies, Poppies
hs294 - Over There, Behind The Small River
hs295 - Quail
hs296 - Bandura
hs297 - Play My Bagpipes
hs298 - Kamarinskaya
hs299 - Little Swan
hs300 - Little Calf
hs301 - A Birch Was Standing In The Field
hs302 - A Musical Instrument To Everyone
hs303 - In The Garden, The Kitchen Garden
hs304 - Annushka
hs305 - Derisive Cuckoo
hs306 - Wooden Wheel
hs307 - Making Hay
hs308 - Blizzard
hs309 - Under An Apple Tree
hs310 - Oh, The Water Flows Down The Stream
hs311 - In The Countryside
hs312 - An Apple Tree
hs313 - The Cossack Went Beyond The Danube
hs314 - You Rise, Ride Sun
hs315 - Oh, The Box Is Full, Full
hs316 - What Are You Looking At The Road Greedily?
hs317 - Belarus Folk Dance
hs318 - The Cuckoo
hs319 - A Potato
hs320 - Polka
hs321 - It Is Not The Branch That's Bending
hs322 - Old Polka
hs323 - The Alphabet
hs324 - A Melody
hs325 - German Dance
hs326 - Waltz
hs327 - Song
hs328 - Menuet
hs329 - Dance
hs330 - Bourree
hs331 - Waltz From The Ballet ""Coppelia
hs332 - Lullaby
hs333 - Gavotte
hs334 - Sonatina
hs335 - Menuet
hs336 - March From The Opera Aida
hs337 - Chorus Of Hunters From The Opera Magic Arrows
hs338 - Gourmet
hs339 - Shadow - Shadow
hs340 - The Crane
hs341 - Slovenian Song
hs342 - The Sparrow
hs343 - Old French Song From Children's Album
hs344 - The Lark
hs345 - Round Dance From The Opera Snow Maiden
hs346 - Song Of The Crucian From The Opera A Cossack Beyond The Danube
hs347 - Russian Song
hs348 - Romance
hs349 - Pinafore Dress
hs350 - Romancen
hs351 - The Little Bird Has Left
hs352 - Spanish Dance From The Ballet Raimonda
hs353 - Antonida's Romance From The Opera Ivan Sussanin
hs354 - A Red Sundress
hs355 - Polka
hs356 - Mazurka
hs357 - Little Polka
hs358 - Song
hs359 - Little Waltz
hs361 - March
hs362 - Polka
hs363 - The Field
hs364 - The Kind Scallywag
hs365 - A Green Meadow
hs366 - Latvian Polka
hs367 - Lingering
hs368 - On the Sledge
hs369 - A Waltz Of Friendship
hs370 - Dance
hs371 - A Tune
hs372 - A Street Organ
hs373 - Russian Piece
hs374 - Small Quadrille
hs375 - It is Time to Get Up, Boy
hs376 - Etude 1
hs377 - Etude 2
hs378 - Etude 3
hs379 - Etude 4
hs380 - Etude 5
hs381 - Etude 6
hs382 - Etude 7
hs383 - Etude 8
hs384 - Etude 9
hs385 - Etude - Waltz
hs386 - Etude 10
hs387 - Etude 11
hs388 - Oh, We Have Cut Down A Tree
hs389 - Russian Song (Solo and Duet)
hs390 - Hey, Let's Crash
hs391 - Russian Folk Song
hs392 - Ukrainian Folk Song
hs393 - Dance From The Ballet Caucasian Captives
hs395 - Admist the Dale so Wide and Even “and” Shines the Crescent
hs396 - Little Apple
hs397 - Raindrops
hs398 - Shall I Teach Ye, Dear Vanyusha
hs399 - Steppes and Steppes Around
hs400 - Seratov Omamentalia
hs401 - By The Gateway, By Our Gate
hs402 - The Wind May Not Bend The Branch
hs403 - Ducky-Duck From The Grassland
hs404 - Barynya
hs405 - In The Field A Birch Stood In Beauty
hs406 - In The Coppice
hs407 - Foggy Weather In The Valley
hs408 - There's A Pathway In The Firewood
hs409 - Sweetish Berry Bozze
hs410 - At The Gate, The Gate
hs411 - Nadjelka
hs412 - And I On A Meadow
hs413 - The Cossack Went Beyond The Danube
hs414 - At The Gray Pigeon
hs415 - There Was A Maiden
hs416 - The Sun Comes
hs417 - Willow
hs418 - No Doubt
hs419 - Karolinka
hs420 - Vistula
hs421 - Oh, My Jasek!
hs422 - What’s There In The Woods?
hs423 - Where Do You Go Janek?
hs424 - I Am a Mountaineer
hs425 - Masur
hs426 - Hallo, From Mountain, Mountain
hs427 - Behind The Mountains, Behind The Woods
hs428 - Mountain Dance
hs429 - Streamlet
hs430 - Kuyavyak 01
hs431 - Kuyavyak 02
hs432 - As In Our Entrance Hall
hs433 - Blackbird
hs434 - Kuyavyak 03
hs435 - Sheepfold
hs436 - Sad Melody
hs437 - Lyrical
hs438 - In the Middle Of A Popular Field
hs439 - My Mother
hs440 - We Have Reaped The Crops
hs441 - Marina
hs442 - Song 1
hs443 - Talking
hs444 - Leave, Masha
hs445 - Song 2
hs446 - Children’s Song
hs447 - Eastern Melody
hs448 - Good Night
hs449 - That Snowflakes, As Fuzzes
hs450 - Spring Waltz
hs451 - The Cheerful Girl Lena
hs452 - The Doll Dance Krakovyak
hs453 - Who Takes The Tambourine Faster
hs454 - Morning
hs455 - The Old Acquaintance
hs456 - Game
hs457 - Song 3
hs458 - March
hs459 - Little Melody
hs460 - Solemn
hs461 - Song 4
hs462 - Two Canons
hs463 - Little Madrigal
hs464 - About Mashenka - Romashenka
hs465 - Sad Time
hs466 - Song About The Passer-By
hs467 - Walk
hs468 - Song About The Disturbing Youth
hs469 - Dance From Ballet
hs470 - Bunny
hs471 - A Pine Forest
hs472 - Little bird Over My Window
hs473 - Russian Folk Song 1
hs474 - All Birdies Have Arrived
hs475 - In A Smithy
hs476 - I Will Go, I Will Be There
hs477 - How To Make Noise In The Street
hs478 - Dark – Browed, Black - Eyed
hs479 - Ah, An Oak On The Mountain
hs480 - Russian Folk Song 2
hs481 - Behind The River
hs482 - Ukrainian Folk Song 1
hs483 - Ukrainian Folk Song 2
hs484 - Ukrainian Folk Song 3
hs485 - Do Not Shine
hs486 - Low Sun
hs487 - Ukrainian Folk Song 4
hs488 - Little Quail
hs489 - Lullaby
hs490 - Joke
hs491 - Moldavian Dance
hs492 - Estonian Folk Dance
hs493 - Cheerful Cobbler
hs494 - In The Field Stands A Popular
hs495 - On The Brink Of A Little Cottage
hs496 - Hungarian Folk Song
hs497 - My Hobby – Horse
hs498 - People Are Working
hs499 - Tyrolean Polka
hs500 - German Folk Song
hs501 - Old French Song
hs502 - The Wind Blows At The Gate
hs503 - Polyphonic Song
hs504 - Do Not Chirp, Nightingale
hs505 - Arietta
hs506 - Waltz
hs507 - German Song
hs508 - Sitting Late At Night
hs509 - Funny
hs510 - Boring Story
hs511 - Song From Bashkir
hs512 - Small Beggar
hs513 - Dance
hs514 - A Birdie
hs515 - Russian Song
hs516 - The Bee
hs517 - Aria
hs518 - Sarabande
hs519 - Aria
hs520 - Allegretto
hs521 - Humoresque
hs522 - Bagpipes
hs523 - Menuet
hs524 - Menuet
hs525 - Contra Dance
hs526 - Waltz
hs527 - Menuet In Rondo Form
hs528 - Waltz
hs529 - German Dance
hs530 - Ecossaise
hs531 - Hunting Song
hs532 - March
hs533 - Moth
hs534 - Dance
hs535 - Groom’s Song
hs536 - Little Tarantella
hs537 - Prelude
hs538 - Kuvyavyak. Polish Dance
hs539 - Light Polyphonic Song
hs540 - Scherzino
hs541 - Unisono Melody
hs542 - Syncopes
hs543 - Two – Voices Song
hs544 - Opposite Movement
hs545 - My Lamb
hs546 - Sleeping Kitten
hs547 - Cuckoo In The Woods
hs548 - A Bear
hs549 - Etude
hs550 - Etude
hs551 - Etude
hs552 - Etude
hs553 - Etude
hs554 - Etude
hs555 - Etude
hs556 - Etude
hs557 - Etude
hs558 - Etude
hs559 - Etude
hs560 - Etude
hs561 - Etude
hs562 - Etude
hs563 - Etude
hs564 - Etude
hs565 - Etude
hs566 - Etude
hs567 - Etude
hs568 - Etude
hs569 - Etude
hs570 - Etude
hs571 - Etude
hs572 - In A Meadow Valley
hs573 - Spring Song
hs574 - On A Green Meadow
hs575 - Racketeer
hs576 - The Briyansk Quadrille
hs577 - The Smolensk Quadrille
hs578 - Tartarian Folk Dance
hs579 - Buryat Dance
hs580 - In The Cherry Garden
hs581 - Bjelorussian Polka
hs582 - Horsey
hs583 - Moldavian Folk Dance - I
hs584 - Moldavian Folk Dance - II
hs585 - Invitation To A Dance
hs586 - Kazakh Folk Song
hs587 - Turkmen Folk Song
hs588 - Dance From The Opera “Nikita”
hs589 - Scherzo - Humoresque
hs590 - Adagio
hs591 - On The Highway
hs592 - Eastern Rondo
hs593 - Variations On The Russian Folk Song
hs594 - Variations On A Finnish Theme
hs595 - Waltz From The Ballet “Sleeping Beauty”
hs596 - Perpetuum Mobile
hs597 - Dance From The Ballet
hs598 - With Heart And Soul
hs599 - At The Sea
hs600 - Eiderdown
hs601 - Etude - Gallon
hs602 - On The Yacht
hs603 - Russian Ladies Room
hs604 - In The Field
hs605 - Scherzo