
Notes from the Arranger:

rrenzo505 - Roma Tango:

Italian: Roma Tango, come si evince dal titolo, e un brano in stile tango jazz dalla pronunciata italianita. La pubblicazione contiene l'arrangiamento per fisarmonica a bassi standard, utilizzata nelle competizioni internazionali, dove ha gia raccolto molti frutti.

Nella elaborata struttura formale e prevista anche una sezione per l'improvvisazione, che puo essere libera o suggerita dal compositore grazie a un assolo appositamente scritto.

Versione molto indicata anche a livello concertistico per la sua capacita di valorizzare le doti del solista.

English: Rome Tango, as the title suggests, is a song in the style tango jazz Italian style. The composition is for solo accordion, standard bass and very suitable for use in international virtuoso entertainment competitions, where this work has already been performed with very successful results.

The elaborate formal structure also provides a section for improvisation, which can be free or as suggested by the composer as there is a solo especially written within.

This solo version of the composition is also designed to enhance the musical and technical skills of the soloist.

Video below is Andrea Di Giacomo performing Roma Tango at the Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg where he achieved 3rd place. Andrea won the 2014 Castelfidardo Entertainment category and the 2014 Trophee Mondial. Andrea studied modern accordion with renowned jazz musician and composer Renzo Ruggieri.

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