Alessandro Mugnoz -Dal
Repertorio ottocentesco per strumenti ad ancia libera alla musica
del Novecento |
appassionato |
Molique (1802-1869)
Allegretto vivace |
Molique (1802-1869)
Ballata |
Angelo PANZINI (1820-1886)
di Primavera - Allegretto |
PANZINI (1820-1886)
Fugue et Vatiation op.18 |
FRANCK (1822-1890)
n.1 |
VOLPI (1911-1980)
n.2 |
VOLPI (1911-1980)
senza tempo |
FUGAZZA (1922)
L'evasion |
PIAZZOLA (1921-1992)
pour Claude |
erotica |
Cecilia |
file size
Primavera |
Franck-Prelude |
Volpi-Divertimento |
Piazzolla-L'evasion |
Galliano-Tango |
Principe-Cecilia |
Repertorio ottocentesco per strumenti ad ancia libera alla
musica del Novecento Alessandro Mugnoz and Claudia
piano and the accordion have always been a difficult pairing
of two diverse sonorities and therefore it is not by chance
that music written for this duo has not had popular acclaim
the only possible exception being the work of the Danish
composer Poul Rovsing Olsen Duo. The sonoric challenge
is taken up, on this CD, by the courageous Alessandro
Mugnoz and Claudia Menghi. It is a challenge which they win
and with some ease.
journey is planned along an evolutionary route
and takes us from compositions of 1856 to today. Only their
correct (musicological) vision of the development of the accordion
has allowed them to present such an irrefutable work. The
CD has been made using the modern accordion and
thus it si specified on each tune whether the original was
intended for concertina, physarmonika, harmonium or bandoneon.
In fact in the excellent accompanying booklet, Mugnoz affirms
that the modern accordion in an historical perspective , is
the amalgam of all these instruments. This in sharp contrast
for example to the many times that Piazolla is performed with
out mention of the bandoneon.
duo have a wonderful harmony and are never apprehensive from
the technical point of view, instead simply enjoying the beautiful
high point of the record is the first recording of two works
of Angelo Panzini (1820-1886) for piano and physarmonika,
which Mugnoz discovered in the library of the Verdi conservatorio
of Milan. The style of these pieces has been missing in the
accordions repetoire and the level of interaction between
the two instruments makes these very valuable compositions.
Cd opens with Flying Leaves by Bernhard Molique and after
Panzini we have Prelude, Fugue and Variation Op 18 by Cesar
Franck. There follows two works by the Italian composer Adamo
Volpi which Mugnoz uses as a link between the two halves of
the Cd. One of Felice Fugazzas later works Dialoghi
senza tempo follows before leading to Astor Piazolla
and Richard Galliano with Neuvo Tango and New Musette. To
finish we get another double helping of Italian accordionist
/composers Italo Salizzato and Peppino Principe and
their Danza erotica and Cecilia
conclude , this Cd has great value in not only bringing us
compositions never previously recorded but also in the explanations
in the accompanying booklet which give valuable insight to
the listener.
 Born in Loreto (AN) in 1962, he obtained the Diploma of Choral Music and Choral Conducting ("Martini" Conservatoire, Bologna) and accordion (“Rossini” Conservatoire, Pesaro). He also attended courses of electronic organ, composition, jazz music seminars (with, among others, B.Tommaso and G.Schiaffini) and in Multimedia Musical Education.
He took part in refresher courses, specialization studies, and in lessons for the accordion didactics and interpretation with some of the most appreciated accordion maestri, such as G. Marcosignori, A. Volpi, L. Puchnowski, M. Bonnay, S. Scappini; his meetings with S.Di Gesualdo have been decisive for his professional growth.
He has carried out intense teaching at various institutes and music schools (Recanati, Macerata, San Severino Marche, Ancona, Imola, Modena etc.) and was professor of "Accordion", "Theory and music theory" and "Transcription and arrangement of the user" at the Music Institute "G.B. Pergolesi" (Institute of Musical Studies - AFAM) of Ancona. He is currently a professor of ear training and rhythmic contemporary music at the ISSM "Vecchi-Tonelli" in Modena.
He participated, getting some first and second prizes at various national and international competitions of musical performance (Umbertide, Ascoli Piceno, Foligno, Ancona, S. Germano, Sannicandro Garganico, Pescara, etc.) as a soloist and with chamber ensembles.
Since the early 80s he performed in concerts, as an accordion soloist and in chamber groups: monostrumental groups (especially as 1st accordionist in the "A. Volpi" Accordion Quartet) and then with other instruments, such as strings, clarinet and piano.
Active as a composer, arranger and editor, has created several educational booklets and works for solo instrument and for various complex, partly published by Bèrben editions, Physa or Arspoletium; some of his pieces were chosen as "obligatory pieces" in national competitions.
He has published (with his father Edgardo) an interesting and innovative "Basic method" for diatonic accordion published by Arspoletium Editions. He has made several radio and television recordings, also for RAI, and made CDs for RARA and PRENDINOTA labels.
Interests in technological-musical innovations, both in didactic and artistic level, he is active in the field of "Electronic Music" (particularly Midi music), combining and integrating - in particular musical contexts - the acoustic timbres of the accordion reed and new electronic sounds in continuous research and experimentation of different manipulations and "suggestions" of the sound.
In recent years he has been more and more devoted to historical and musicological research on teaching and chamber music - researching almost forgotten music - accordion and related instruments (free reed) of the 19th century, rediscovering works by authors known and unknown, taking care of the revision and performing in concerts, seminars and lecture-concerts.
He is currently a member of the Executive Council of New CDMI (Italian Musical Learning Center - assisting the secretary, having been President for two terms (2008-2013).
Alessandro Mugnoz
Nato a Loreto (AN) nel 1962, ha conseguito i Diplomi di Musica corale e direzione di coro (Conservatorio “Martini” di Bologna) e di Fisarmonica (Conservatorio “Rossini” di Pesaro). Ha inoltre frequentato corsi di Organo elettronico, Composizione, seminari di Musica jazz (con, tra gli altri, B. Tommaso e G. Schiaffini) e di Didattica musicale multimediale.
Ha preso parte a corsi di aggiornamento, di perfezionamento e a lezioni per la didattica e l'interpretazione fisarmonicistica con alcuni tra i più apprezzati Maestri dello strumento, come G. Marcosignori, A. Volpi, L. Puchnowski, M. Bonnay, S. Scappini; determinanti nel percorso di formazione, sono stati gli incontri con S. Di Gesualdo.
Ha svolto intensa attività didattica presso varie Scuole ed Istituti musicali (Recanati, Macerata, San Severino Marche, Ancona, Imola, Modena, ecc.); è stato docente di “Fisarmonica”, “Teoria e solfeggio” e “Trascrizione e arrangiamento della Musica d'uso” presso l'Istituto musicale “G.B. Pergolesi” (Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali – AFAM) di Ancona. Attualmente è docente di Ear Training e Ritmica della musica contemporanea presso l'ISSM “Vecchi-Tonelli” di Modena.
Ha partecipato, ottenendo alcuni primi e secondi premi, a vari Concorsi nazionali ed internazionali di esecuzione musicale (Umbertide, Ascoli Piceno, Foligno, Ancona, S. Germano, Sannicandro Garganico, Pescara, ecc.) come solista e con formazioni cameristiche.
Fin dai primi anni ’80 ha svolto attività concertistica, come fisarmonicista solista ed in gruppi cameristici: monostrumentali (in particolare I. fisarm. del Quartetto “A. Volpi”) e poi con altri strumenti, come archi, clarinetto, pianoforte.
Attivo come compositore, trascrittore e revisore, ha realizzato diverse opere didattiche e lavori per strumento solista e per vari complessi, in parte pubblicati (edizioni Bèrben, Physa, Arspoletium); alcuni suoi brani sono stati “pezzi d'obbligo” in concorsi nazionali. Ha pubblicato (con il padre Edgardo) un interessante e innovativo "Metodo di base" per fisarmonica diatonica edito dalle edizioni ARSPOLETIUM. Ha effettuato varie registrazioni radiofoniche e televisive, anche per la RAI, e realizzato CD per le etichette RARA e PRENDINOTA.
Ha collaborato e collabora con diverse riviste e siti WEB, quali Musica e scuola, Strumenti e Musica, Bollettino dell'AIF (Associazione Internazionale Fisarmonicisti), FisaArmonie, Accordions Worldwide (, scrivendo vari articoli, recensioni e saggi.
Aperto alle innovazioni tecnologico-musicali, sia a livello didattico che artistico, è operante nel settore della “Musica elettronica” (in particolare Midi music), abbinando e integrando – in particolari contesti musicali – i timbri acustici dell’ancia fisarmonicistica con nuove sonorità elettroniche, in una continua ricerca e sperimentazione su diverse manipolazioni e “suggestioni” del suono.
Negli ultimi anni si sta sempre più dedicando a ricerche storiche e musicologiche sul repertorio didattico e cameristico - pressoché dimenticato - per fisarmonica e strumenti affini (ad ancia libera) del sec. XIX, riscoprendo opere di autori noti e meno noti, curandone la revisione e ri-proponendone l’esecuzione in concerto, in seminari e lezioni-concerto.
Attualmente è membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell'associazione Nuovo CDMI (Centro Didattico Musicale Italiano – ricoprendone la carica di segretario, essendone stato Presidente per due mandati (dal 2008 al 2013).
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