gandolfi401: Paesaggi Sudamericani
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  Name Composer / Arranger Time
1. Verano Porteno Astor Piazzolla 5:35
2. Close Your Eyes And Listen Astor Piazzolla 4:07
3. Paolo Gandolfi, Testimonianza   4:29
4. Preludio Astor Piazzolla 3:15
5. Dialoghi Senza Tempo Gianfelice Fugazza 4:04
6. Evasion Astor Piazzolla 3:34
7. Oblivion Astor Piazzolla 3:50
8. Otono Porteno Astor Piazzolla 4:26
9. Malaguena Ernesto Lecuona 3:51
Sound Samples:
  Name Time mp3 Size File
1. Verano Porteno 30s 1.14mb
2. Close Your Eyes And Listen 30s 1.14mb
3. Paolo Gandolfi, Testimonianza 30s 1.14mb
4. Preludio 30s 1.14mb
5. Dialoghi Senza Tempo 30s 1.14mb
6. Evasion 30s 1.14mb
7. Oblivion 30s 1.14mb
8. Otono Porteno 30s 1.14mb
9. Malaguena 30s 1.14mb
CD Description:

During my youth I was very moved by what I experienced in Brazil, nevertheless the South-American musical culture featured on this particular CD focuses on the traditions of Argentina, in the person of Astor Piazzolla. The musical language of this composer (deceased in 1992) clearly demonstrates the powerful emotional charge of the South-American culture.

In his music both the melodic and rhythmic elements are characterized by a typically Latin American melancholy, a mood that persistently haunts all his work. The decision to get involved in this sort of music was taken together with a yourng pianist friend of mine.

Thoroughly enchanted by this type of musical structure, we endeavored to shate its intense, highly expressive message with our public, focusing our efforts on the dynamics of the sound which is the true core of the musical language of this great Argentine composer. A very different style distinguishes the music by the Italian composer Felice Fugazza (Dialoghi senza tempo), although it still fits into the thematic context of this CD thanks to the vaguely South-American melody plaed in the central part of the piece by the accordion, overlaying a haunting piano-based rhythm. In this CD I also wanted to include two solo songs inspired by the South-American musical culture, but with clear Latin origins: the celebrated Malaguena by Ernesto Lecuona in the version featuring an accordion solo (although, of course, there are innumerable other interpretations), and my own compositon Testimonianza.

Stucturally very simple, its a descriptive sort of song and is intended to evoke a poignant moment I experienced in the Amazon jungle with a very dear friend. First of all, the overwhelming impact of the forest and then the sudden and very quick movement of a band of monkeys that were leaping with incredible agility from one tree to another, intent upon following us, curious little creatures that they are. Gradually leaving them behind, we reached a clearing, immersed in a profound silence, broken only by a distant, faint twittering.

Return to the trail, we once again became aware of the lightening-swift arboreal antics of the monkeys who continued to accompany us from on high. Our progress, however, was suddenly checked by an enormous tree trunk that has fallen across the path, forcing us to adopt certain precautions before clabering over it. Fearing that it might be providing refuge for a small snake, we began beating the trunk with steady, drum-like rhythm. But the surprise that awaited us was of a completely different nature. the light, vexing buzz of one mosquito quickly turned into the whirring, humming of winged demons as an entire swarm gathered, eager to devour us on the spot. A real nightmare. Needless to say we beat a hasty retreat.

Cheered by our fotunate escape and once again enthralled by the extraordinary beauty of our prisitne natural surroundings, we struck up a simple tune to the cadence of our footsteps by way of expressing the extreme joy of that extraordinary moment. In the song I composed and perform on this CD, with interpretive freedom and emotional transport, I have tried to bring to life this poignant moment.

Index / Biography

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